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  • Call us today at 973-970-9393 for the Personalized Service that’s kept us in business for nearly 70 years
  • USA Manufacturer of Solid Dose Counting Machines - Since 1965

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After much consideration we have made the decision to discontinue the EC-12 multi-lane counter.  This decision was made in large measure to our inability to secure compatible replacement parts.

The replacement model machine is the VCM-12.  It offers many of the same features as the EC-12.

We are offering our stock of remaining EC parts for sale at a discount.  The exception to this is the EC funnels as they are used in other machines.

Please contact us if you are interested in any of the remaining stock of EC-12 components or if you would like a quotation for the VCM-12.

VCM-12 Electronic Tablet Counter

160 Bottle Per Minute Dual System.

Modular has just completed a fully integrated multi-lane electronic counting line at our facility in Rockaway, New Jersey.

The Line operates with four VC-12 electronic counters using a 12 inch wide dual lane conveyor that is Plc controlled.

Customer requirements were affordable, flexible, accurate, quick change-over, low maintenance, high quality machines.  All equipment made in the USA!!!

Newly redesigned slat counter with Allen Bradley controls. 

Our servo driven proven slat counter delivers consistent high speed performance. Upgrades include:

  • New light weight 2 piece manifold
  • 3 axis adjustable feed screw
  • Improved Dust Extraction
  • Simple tool-less change-over


Modular continues to support the TB4 tablet counter.   We stock a complete inventory of parts, and repairs can be made to series 82 batch counters.  Our new digital scanner enhances  the performance of the TB4.  It replaces the outdated photo cell providing improved counting and the ability to run at a higher count rate.   This scanner works with the series 82 batch counter.

We offer refurbished TB4's for sale or lease.  Currently we have several automated tablet line counter bases that allow the TB4 to run without an operator.

Please contact us for more information.

Particulates, sugar, and dust are more prevalent today in packaging. The challenge is to remove debris before it reaches the counting head.

A proven method and effective solution is to increase the number of perforations in the counting trays.  This creates a continuous rain of debris beneath the vibrating feed trays.

Modular has created a simple catch tray system that allows for a cleaner operation.  Trays can easily be removed when full and placed back on the machine in a matter of seconds.

The perforated trays in conjunction with the catch trays improve count accuracy, allow for increased machine output and less downtime to clean the counting head.

Contact us for more information on how to easily install this system on your VC-12 multi-lane counting machine.

The VCM-12 was designed to be our most versatile counting machine.  It is accurate, simple to operate, and engineered for quick change overs.

Products of any kind can be counted including gummies, clear soft gels, and veterinary products.  There are a number of tray options available for the tablet counter.

The VCM-12 is a contemporary GMP design that is made in the USA.  Fully supported with parts and service.  This completely automated machine will increase your production. 

Slat Counter Line Up

This week we had four models of slat counters on our production floor.  Each model offers unique features to maximize output.

Our machines operate in pharmaceutical contract packagers and nutritional product companies.  The machines are durable and easy to maintain.

All of our slat counters as designed and manufactured in New Jersey.  Let us know your requirements and we will send you a quote.

Modular was asked by Omer Medical Logistics to help improve the output on their Auto Bag Sprint side pouch bagger. The Auto Bag system was capable of running faster than they could fill into the bags. We recommended the MPS VC-12 multi lane counter. The machine can fill  any product or count size and does not require change parts. The VC- 12 was fully integrated with the Auto Bag system to run independent of an operator.


Machine Production is well underway at Modular's new location. This facility provides ample space for full line integration.  We currently have multiple line projects slated for completion early this fall.

We have seen a surge in orders for our Multi-lane counters since the introduction of our higher speed design.  This platform is easily retrofitted onto our existing Multi-channel counters already in the market place. Contact us for more information at customer.service@modularpackaging.com or by phone 973-970-9393.

The MPS 48-10 Slat Counter continues to be our most popular model capable of 150 bpm. We offer higher speed slat counters capable of 300 bpm with feed screw registration and front/back funnels.

Please visit our website periodically to get the latest updates and news on what's happening at Modular!!

Multiple Line Projects underway at Modular's new facility.  We continue to see strong sales of our Multi-Line Channel Counters.

This year Modular has increased machine batch sizes making available several stock machines.

We now have  a MPS 48-10 Slat Counter and VC-12 Channel Counter in stock.